An easy way to understand the Bible

One book at a time is a free Bible notes series which covers every book of the Bible.  In reading God’s book I have tried to understand more of His loving heart.  One recurring theme is how God comes to ordinary, broken people like us and desires to live in the centre of our lives.  All He asks for is our availability.

How do I use the notes?

The series has been designed to be read at the same time as the Bible. So to get started, start reading the book in the Bible that you want to study. After every few verses, head to the notes.  How about…?

  • Studying the whole bible in about a year by reading one book a week.
  • Studying a book you have never read before. Obadiah?
  • Using the notes to run your own Bible study

Notes are available on the right or down below depending on your device.
Additionally, you can purchase a kindle ebook version here.

How did One Book at a Time start?

It started as a monthly Bible study in our small Bracknell fellowship. By covering one book at a time it took us five and a half years to finish.  I can recommend starting at Genesis and finishing at Revelation.   The more you read God’s book the more you appreciate it.

How do I get in touch?

If you have any questions or you just want to chat about the bible study. Feel free to get in touch using the contact form